PBLIB1 - Installation notes The PD code and utilities "PBLIBx" have two basic interfaces with your system, both through the PBBIN directory. As utilities, the EXEs sort of assume that they are on the PATH= list. I place them near the head of the list, but you may wish them found last. Personal choice. The .cfg structure means that you will want to adjust parameters with the EXEs to taste. The two main params you will probably care about are OUT= and COMPRESSED=. I set some of my utilities with OUT=LPT1 as the default (TLISTER for one) so that I am normally dumping to the printer. COMPRESSED=YES sends HPCL laserjet commands to go to a lineprinter compressed mode. This will probably annoy non-HP printers. I really need feedback in this area to improve printer support in version 2. I. Assume you only download PBLIB1.ZIP (200k) for the sources. Remember to UNZIP with the -d option to retain the directory structure. Start by creating \pblib1 and cd \pblib1. a. Adjust your TPC.CFG for FAR calls and loose string checking (and /L for compiling DB.pas). My file is as follows: /UC:\BP\UNITS;c:\PBBIN1\TPU; /$V- /$F+ /L {GP} b. From \PBLIB1\UNITS do a MAKETPU.BAT. If the compiles work, do a MOVE.BAT. The TPUs will now be on \PBBIN1\TPU. c. From \PBLIB1\PROGS do a MAKEEXE.BAT. If the compiles work, do a MOVEEXE.BAT. This copys the EXE & DOC files only to \PBBIN1\UTIL. You may or may not wish to do a MOVECFG.BAT depending on whether you have changed anything. d. Put \PBLIB1\UTIL on the PATH= string in AUTOEXEC.bat and re-boot and the utilities should be available. II. If you have problems in compatability or compiling or whatever, then get the file PBBIN1.ZIP (450k) contains the results (no sources) of the above steps in section I.